In partnership with Kennebunk Recreation & Arundel Recreation, we are offering a 4-week program designed to introduce kids to the sport of field hockey in a fun, energetic, and low-key environment. Children will be taught the basic skills of the game in station format. Instructors for this program will be Coach Kayla Billings (KHS Varsity FH) & Coach Jill Lamontagne.
Participants will be broken up into two age groups: K-2 and 3-6.
Shin guards, mouth guards, goggles, and sticks are required. Children should bring their own if able. Coach Kayla has some sticks available for use during the session, but if you do want to have your own stick, please refer to our recommendations below.
When: Sundays, May 5 – June 2 (no program 5/26)
Time: 8:30AM - 9:30AM
Where: Kennebunk High School Turf Field
Cost: $15/participant
Cancellation: Coach Kayla & Jill will make the call on whether or not to cancel a session due to inclement weather by email either the night before or morning of. If a session is canceled due to inclement weather, there will not be a make up session. Please look at your emails closely the night of/day of.
Schedule: (All sessions from 8:30am-9:30am)
Sunday, May 5/ Sunday, May 12/ Sunday, May 19/ Sunday, June 2
Registration Deadline: Friday, May 3 (12:00pm)
Please use the sizing chart below when searching for a stick.

Registration Information:
If you are a resident of Kennebunk or Arundel, please sign up with your Town's Recreation Department for this program.
If you live in a town other than Arundel, Kennebunk or Kennebunkport, you are welcome to join our program. The fee is $20 to register.