Kennebunkport Parks & Recreation
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Grades 3-4: Kennebunk, Arundel & Kennebunkport Fall Soccer

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Offering players in grades 3-4 a kick off practice and 6 weeks of team games.

Dates: Saturdays, September 11-October 23
Times:11:30-12:15PM for girls and 12:30-1:15PM for boys on the September 11th kick off practice. Then practices will be held on Fridays and games will be held on Saturday mornings or early afternoons.
Location: Parson's Field, 19 Park Street, Kennebunk
Cost: $85/participant (includes a team shirt and 6 weeks of games)

Registration Deadline: September 13 at 9AM

The program will follow the Maine Recreation & Parks Association's Youth Sports Philosophy.
"The Maine Recreation and Park Association philosophy on youth sports is to maintain an enriched quality of life for Maine youth through creative and meaningful sports and leisure experiences and to form a harmonious relationship between sports, people, and their environment.
MRPA promotes the benefits of youth sports to provide fun, active, and educational experiences, intended to support the healthy development for children and to serve as a positive outlet for parents to connect with their young athlete.
Youth sports provide opportunities for children to create lifelong positive physical activity habits, improve social skills and have confidence in their abilities to succeed.  MRPA measures success by the positive development of youth through sport."

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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